Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Cheer

I have a lot of pictures and adventures to update, but today I thought I would just do a little Christmas Cheer.

I took this picture in Brandenton. They were many lights right beside the boat at the Twin Dolphin Marina located along the city street where the City Hall was. I thought the snow family was cute!

I found this little tree in an Antique Mall in Punta Gorda...I decorated it with things I had on the boat, little drink umbrellas (yes I keep those handy to impress our guest) my collection of starfish bought at a local shop in Port A, wine glass markers and last but not least....American flags on little picks left over from the 4th of July party at the City Marina several years ago. The poinsettia is an artificial one I bought at Wally World along with the little angel looking over the baby Jesus....after all he is what Christmas is all about.

God Bless you all and a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

valerie said...

your tree is creative and beautiful. i like the umbrellas... i have a bunch of those stored away. i really like the idea of those and orgami animals hanging from a tree.

hope you guys are enjoying the warmth! it's nice today, but tomorrow is a high of 36 and low of 20. we'll be chilly in texas!